News About Palm Beach Mahabodhi-December, 2008.

I. Dharma Talk:

During the weekend between the end of December 2008 and the beginning of January 2009, Thay Minh Quang will give Buddhist teachings at Quang Minh Temple in Chicago.

The tentative program will be as follows:

1. Buddhist Retreat session: Saturday, December 3, 2009.---- (10:00 AM to 5:00 PM).

* Pure-Land cultivation and Dharma lectures.

2. Special Buddhist event: Sunday, December 4, 2009. --------(11:00 AM to 12:15PM)

* Buddhist lecture commemorating the Day of Attaining Enlightenment of the Buddha.

Everyone is welcomed to join our practice. Here is the contact information:

Master Abbot: Ven. Thich Minh Hanh

Quang Minh Temple (Quang Minh Tu)

4429 N. Damen Ave., Chicago, IL 60625

Phone (773) 275-6859


II. Fence Project Updated, December 2008:

With the permit approved on November 3, 2008, we have gathered all our available resources for the fence project.

Everything is in progress and we hope to start soon on the cement foundation for the fences. That will be the first step. Then the masonry walls and the aluminum gates will follow.

We are continuing to work on making our office at 621 S. Federal Hwy, Lake Worth.

Again, here are a few photos of our future office. The place is small, but that is what we are able afford. We hope that you will like the place. Please let us know. Your remarks are always welcomed. We will continue to work to make the place look peaceful and nice.

A front view of our future office.

And of course, there is peace!

It is sunny there.

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